This will be a quick one. Today I took off from work to prepare for a young adult retreat I'm attending tonight through Sunday afternoon. I'm soooo excited! This is my 8th year attending, but only my 2nd year going as only a participant. My first retreat was in 2001, when I had no clue what a retreat was. Wow, what an experience. It must have made a big impression on me because I've been going every year since. For years 2002 - 2007, I have been involved in helping out with various aspects of the retreat, mostly music team, but I also served on the core team for 2 retreats and on the retreat team for 1 year. But this year I'm taking a break. I'm not allowed to lift a finger, per the core team's orders! My friend Jen, who has also worked many retreats, is in the same boat this year. We retreat workaholics have to stick together for there a Retreat Workaholics Anonymous group anywhere that we can join? LOL
Jen and I are cheating a little this afternoon, though. Per their request, we are driving the CFR sisters down to the camp this afternoon. But we are going to have lots of fun. No work going on here! One of the best parts of the retreat is seeing the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Renewal from NY. A group of them come down every year to do the talks, say mass, and hear confessions for the retreatants. They are so full of God's love that they just radiate it to all they come in contact with. Below is picture of the CFR group who came to the 2005 retreat. They're such goofballs!
Well, as I said earlier, this is a short post because I gotta finish getting ready for the retreat...packing, taking a shower, eating lunch. I'll write more on Monday when I'm back from the retreat. Have a blessed weekend!
In God's Infinite Love,