Another reason for my long absence is that I have been battling the cold/flu viruses that have been making their rounds in the area. I thought I had it licked this weekend, but today at work I was warm and flush all day. When I left work I vowed to go straight home and head to bed (even without going to adoration!). Well, as you can see, I haven't gone to bed just yet. I'm actually feeling a little better at the moment. I guess I'm in trouble now for not going to adoration :) But the flu virus is a lot like the Florida weather that enables think you're coming down with it one day but then you wake up the next day and you're fine. Go figure. I hope that's the case with me because I have WAY too much to do at work to stay home sick. Now, let me fill you in on the plethora of activities that have consumed my waking hours the past few weeks, and most likely contributed to my present viral predicament.
The first one on the list was our parish's Oktoberfest! celebration, which was a tremendous success. There were games for the kids such as darts and fishing for treats, lovely German crafts available for purchase, root beer for everyone, and last but not least, lively entertainment provided by the parish youth group and homeschoolers group. The youth group's task was to teach everyone, young and old, the chicken dance. And what a dance it was! LOL I have included a snapshot of a lovely young maiden named Heidi Schnitzeldoodle who posed for me just before her onstage performance. Yodel-e-he-hoooooo!!!!
I snuck away from Oktoberfest a little early so that I could partake in my next adventure, the drama "Rejoice In Hope" put on by the men at Our Lady of Hope community. This community is part of Communita Cenacolo, which has helped many young men and women regain hope again after a life of drugs, alchohol, and other addictions that are plaguing young people in today's society. These men are an inspiration to me, and the joy on their faces reminds me that there is abundant joy in knowing, loving, and praising the Lord. Every year toward the end of October, the community hosts the Festival of Life, which is open to anyone who wishes to attend. This year, they had the drama on Saturday night and then the rest of the festival the next day. I got there a little late for the play, but I didn't miss much. As usual, the "farm guys", as they are affectionately known, did not disappoint. I have attached a pic of the Palm Sunday scene, where Jesus is heralded as He comes into Jerusalem. The next day, on Sunday, I got there in time to pray a group rosary with Mother Elvira (the founder of Communita Cenacolo in Italy) and the farm guys. This was followed by some testimonies, a eucharistic healing service led by Fr. Gabriel, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, a short performance by some of the girls from the new women's house, and then a beautiful mass celebrated by Bishop Galeone, Retired Bishop Snyder, and Bishop Baker. What a blessing! I also had the fortune of running into an old friend of my mom's from when I was in grade school. My mom, my sister, and I would go visit Mrs. D many a weekend. I still remember that it was the first time I tried the Publix version of chocolate peanut butter ice was love at first bite! After Mrs. D realized who I was, we exchanged contact info, and I went out to dinner with her and a few other of my mom's friends. She is involved with the 3rd order Franciscans MLVA, and she has encouraged me to look into it to see if it is something I feel called to do. There is a day retreat in January that I'm pretty sure I'm going to attend, and we'll see what happens from there. It's all in His hands.
Ok, on to the next activity...Halloween! This is actually probably my least favorite holiday, but I decided to go trick-or-treating with my friend CP and her two little ones. Gareth is almost 1, and Catherine is almost 5 yrs old. They were joined by a few other youngsters, whose parents are friends of CP's. Everyone had a lot of fun, although towards the end Catherine the Cat tripped and scraped her knee. But never fear, Mommy came to the rescue and carried her on her shoulders for the trek back home.
My post is getting a little long at this point, so I think I'll cut my losses for now....Wait a minute, I can just start another blog entry! So sorry, ya'll. You'll have to endure more dry humor tomorrow. Until then...good night, sleep tight, don't let the nasty flu bugs bite.
In God's Infinite Love,
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